
2015年11月29日—Woodenfloors,wallsandwindowsills木頭、花朵,磚牆與窗台.Tablesandchairswornbyallofthedust桌椅全都被塵土磨蝕,ToBuildAHome-EditThereisahousebuiltoutofstoneWoodenfloors,wallsandwindowsillsTablesandchairswornbyallofthedustThisisaplace ...,ToBuildAHomeThereisahousebuiltoutofstoneWoodenfloors,wallsandwindowsillsTablesandchairswornbyallofthedustThisisaplacewhereI ...,2009年10月2日—歌詞...

To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra - (Step Up 4

2015年11月29日 — Wooden floors, walls and window sills 木頭、花朵,磚牆與窗台. Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust 桌椅全都被塵土磨蝕

To Build A Home

To Build A Home - Edit There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls and window sills Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust This is a place ...

To Build A Home 歌詞The Cinematic Orchestra ※ ...

To Build A Home There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls and window sills Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust This is a place where I ...

The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home

2009年10月2日 — 歌詞也很棒.....我被迷住了........後來才發現原來這首歌有用在Grey's anatomy裡面,難怪有點似曾相識.... Lyrics : There is a house built out of ...

To Build A Home-歌詞

There is a house built out of stone. Wooden floors, walls and window sills. Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust. This is a place where I don't feel ...

To Build A Home │ 劇場交響樂團(Ft. 派翠克華森)

2018年2月4日 — [翻譯]The Cinematic Orchestra(Ft. Patrick Watson) - To Build A Home │ 劇場交響樂團(Ft. 派翠克華森) - 建造一個家 · 這首歌不知為何很能觸動人心.

To Build a Home (Live) 歌詞The Cinematic Orchestra ※ ...

To Build a Home (Live) There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls and window sills... Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust.

Cinematic Orchestra

忙裡偷閒的生活,人生與Belfast, Northern Ireland脫離不了關係。熱愛聽各種不同美妙聲音以及觀察人類行為。想要走上哲學家之路的前國際政治經濟人,現在卻走在文化與觀光 ...